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How to break up words into syllables. For example, the word elephant can be broken up into three parts e –la-phant.
You can help your child develop this skill by clapping the syllables in words.
How to identify and produce rhyming words. For example, the word hat rhymes with the word bat.
You can help you child develop this skill by reading them books containing rhymes e.g. Dr Suess books.
Having an awareness of speech sounds and their matching letters.
You can help your child develop this skill by reading the Sound School book with them and using the character/letters cards.
How to write each letter in the easiest way for efficiency when writing.
Help your child form letters in a fun way!
How to break up words into individual sounds. For example, the word dog can be broken up into 3 sounds /d/ - /o/ - /g/.
You can help your child develop this skill by playing a game like ‘Eye Spy’. Rather than using letter names, use speech sounds. For example ‘eye spy with my little eye something beginning with the sound /s/’.
How to join sounds together to form words. For example, the sounds /c/ - /a/ - / t/ can be joined together to form the word /cat/.
You can help your child develop this skill by using the Sound School character cards to form simple words with your child.
Knowledge of words and their meanings.
You can help your child develop this skill by exploring different environments.
For example, the beach, the farm, the zoo, on various forms of transport, birthday parties, the park, the movies etc and talking about the experience.